
Updates to your Third Bridge user experience

Third Bridge applications have now been updated to provide a secure, self-managed method for our users to access content, through the introduction of a new authentication system. A new user login page has been created to enable users to authenticate. Additional functionality to reset your password, without needing to contact Third Bridge, is also now supported from the new login page. Key capabilities include:

Logging in

As you access one of our applications, you will be prompted with a new login screen. You are expected to:

  1. Enter your email address and your password.
  2. Click Log in.
  3. Once logged in you will have the same user experience that you are used to.

Forgotten your password?

From the login screen, you are able to reset your password.

  1. On the login screen, click the Forgot password? link.
  2. Enter your email address. Click Reset password. This sends an email with a reset code to your inbox.
    Note: Do not close the window, otherwise you will have to click the Forgot password? link again to create a new code.
  3. In your inbox, you will see an email from Third Bridge ( with a password reset code. Enter the password reset code.
  4. Type in your new password, following the guidance displayed.
  5. As you enter your password, green ticks will appear as our system checks that your password entry matches our password rules.
  6. Click Change password. Your password will be reset.
  7. Log in to our application with your new password.


I am an existing user. What changes for me?

The only change is that as you open one of our applications you need to log in before you are able to view content or register for upcoming Interviews.

I don’t have an account. How do I set up an account?

Please contact your Third Bridge contact to set up your account.

When do I need to log in?

If you are subscribed to our Weekly email series, or receive a transcript from us, and click on the links, you will be redirected to our application, without needing to log in.

However if you open one of our applications from a bookmark in your browser, or in a new web browser window, you will see a login screen.

I am trying to reset my password but I am not receiving the code. What do I do?

The Reset Password Code is sent from Please check your spam folder and make sure that this address is whitelisted.

Can I use other devices such as smartphones and tablets?

Yes, using other devices (such as smartphones, tablets etc), it will work the same way as on a laptop/desktop computer.

Will I stay logged in on a given device?

If you logged in on your laptop or desktop computer, and then accessed our application on your smartphone, you need to log in again (as your login session is tied to the browser that you used). If you then went back to your laptop, because you've used another device, you need to log in again.

I am trying to reset my password but I am not receiving the code. What do I do?

The Reset Password Code is sent from Please check your spam folder and make sure that this address is whitelisted within your organisation.

Note: Once logged in you will remain logged in for 24 hours (unless you close the browser window). Once 24 hours has passed, you will need to log in again on your web browser.

Note: Today, the Client Extranet and the Forum Portal applications use the same login credentials (email and password). However, if you change your Forum Portal password through the workflow explained above, please use your old Client Extranet password for the Client Extranet, and not the newly created password.

For further details, please contact:

If you are experiencing any difficulties, please contact your Third Bridge contact.

v0.14.0 (v0.14.95)